Bear Grylls Finally Apologizes

Bear Grylls apologizes - Getty Images It took eight months, but Bear Grylls, the man with too much testosterone, has finally apologized for faking scenes on Man vs. Wild, or Born Survivor, as it is known in the UK. This is the best news I have heard since the New York Giants stomped out the Patriots in the Super Bowl last month.

“If people felt misled on how the first series was represented, I’m really sorry for that”

Thank You Bear Grylls

I have no idea why Bear Grylls waited eight months, but I am really, really, glad that he finally apologized. Have his ratings dropped?

Sadly, Bear's Blog does not mention his apology.

Will Bear Grylls Explain It All?

Bear Grylls, the star of the most exciting television show I have ever seen might offer an explanation on Friday (March 21) when he will be interviewed on BBC Radio 2, during its Weekender show.

Listen to Bear Grylls

You can listen to Bear Grylls on the Web, on Friday, March 21st at 6 P.M. EDT, or 10 P.M. GMT, at I wonder what he will say?

Either way, Thank You Bear Grylls!