Brafman Deals, Rosenhaus Bluffs, Goodell Calls, Burress Waits

Roger Goodell On Friday, (June 26, 2009) Drew Rosenhaus, who represents Plaxico Burress, Tweeted:

There are now 5 teams interested in Plaxico. I expect more teams to enter the mix over the next few weeks as well.

I thought it was hysterical, but apparently NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, was annoyed. Because reported, that shortly after his agent's silly Tweet, Burress was notified by Adolpho Birch, Vice President of Labor and Law Policy of NFL, that his case was being reviewed by Commissioner Goodell.

Last season's Personal Conduct Policy prohibits:

Possession of a gun or other weapon in any workplace setting, including but not limited to stadiums, team facilities, training camp, locker rooms, team planes, buses, parking lots, etc., or unlawful possession of a weapon outside of the workplace

Burress is guaranteed some sort of suspension, and does not need a contract to be suspended, because under Personal Conduct Policy, the NFL can suspend:

unsigned veterans who were under contract in the prior League Year

I think he will be suspended for a full season, because he is unsigned. Imagine if he drew an eight game suspension, and then, despite Brafman's best efforts, was tried, convicted, and sentenced, before he could play?

Where's the Deal?

Plaxico Burress's attorney, Benjamin Brafman, has been unable to negotiate a deal with NYC, to keep his client out of jail, for over six months. On March 15th, he requested an adjournment, instead of getting it over with. Burress and Brafman do not have to return to Manhattan Criminal Court until September 23rd — after the season has started — which makes no sense to me.

But it sure made sense to Brafman, because after court he boasted:

“I do not see any reason why he should not be able to play this entire season. Even if there is an indictment, it's inconceivable to me in its present posture that this case would proceed to trial until the spring of 2010.

Stacked Deck

I think Plaxico Burress is going to jail, because Mayor Bloomberg said:

“I think it would be an outrage if we didn't prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, particularly people who live in the public domain.”

In 2001, Brafman, working with legendary attorney Johnny Cochran, managed to get Puff Daddy acquitted of weapons and bribery charges, despite 100 witnesses.

Brafman attacked the credibility of the witnesses, saying:

“They want you to conclude on the basis of two pimps from the street, a deadbeat dad, and two people in the club that gave conflicting stories, and lawsuits testimony that has no logic, no merit and does not make sense.”

This time, Brafman does not have Cochran, and there are very credible witnesses.