Wounded Warrior Assistance Act

improve the management of medical care, personnel actions, and quality of life issues for members of the Armed Forces who are receiving medical care in an outpatient status

Signature Injury In The News

Brain injuries are so common that they are called the signature injury of the Iraq war, but Congress wants to cut military spending on researching and treating them.

Jewish War Veterans Respond

Jewish War Veterans condemn the reduction in funding for research and treatment of brain injuries in the 2007 Defense Appropriations bill

Dr. Zitnay’s Response

George Zitnay co-founder of the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center corrects a statement made by Senate Defense Appropriations Committee regarding appropriations for traumatic brain injuries

Signature Injury of The War

George Zitnay said, Traumatic brain injury is the signature injury of the war on terrorism. Congress wants to cut budget of Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center.

HR 2528 and the Traumatic Brain Injury Crisis

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the ‘signature injury’ of modern warfare, yet HR 2528 missed critical funding opportunities for veterans’ care. Learn how billions went elsewhere while TBI treatment lagged behind.