Quick Mail 3.2.4 Maintenance Release
Quick Mail is the easiest way to send email from WordPress. Version 3.2.4 fixes a bug where PHP multibyte string extension is not available.
Musings, Fiction, WordPress
Quick Mail is the easiest way to send email from WordPress. Version 3.2.4 fixes a bug where PHP multibyte string extension is not available.
Send reliable email from WordPress using Sendgrid and Mailgun services with Quick Mail plugin. Includes WP-CLI command to send files, links, attachments from the command line.
How to send private replies to WordPress comments with Quick Mail WordPress plugin.
Reply privately to WordPress comments with Quick Mail 3.1.0 Beta. Get the pre release version from Github.
Quick Mail WordPress plugin sends email from the WordPress dashboard. Quick Mail 3.0.4 preserves shortcodes in outgoing mail and restores all mail settings.
Quick Mail WordPress plugin sends email from the WordPress dashboard. Add attachments, html and shortcodes to your messages.
Quick Mail 3.0.2 includes an option to convert lines of text to HTML paragraphs. Tested with WP 4.7.4 and TinyMCE Advanced.