Can You Write Three Minutes of Fiction?

by Robb Hill / Robb Hill Photo National Public Radio has a new contest for everyone who likes to write. Can you write a story about this photo (shown) that can be read in three minutes?

Stories will be judged by Alan Cheuse, who reviews books for All Things Considered. Winner receives an autographed copy of Cheuse’s novel, To Catch the Lightning: A Novel of American Dreaming. Entries must be received by February 28 – in three days, but monthly contests will continue. Read the rules for more info.

How I Wrote My Story

I installed the photo as desktop wallpaper, to see it as often as possible, until I wrote “Flight”. I copied/pasted into entry form and submitted it. I found Previous Three-Minute Stories later!


(March 21, 2010) Congratulations to winner, Rhonda Strickland, for Please Read. The fourth round of the contest will be announced next week.