Debugging WordPress on localhost
After I published WordPress Needs WP_LOCAL for localhost, Piet Bos and Danny van Kooten advised me to try the Airplane Mode plugin by Andrew Norcross of Tampa, Florida.
Airplane Mode uses the pre_http_request filter to block external requests. Nice job!
I installed Airplane Mode and wrote a shell script to disable all plugins. More on the script below.
My only external requests are coming from JavaScript.
Blocking External Requests from WordPress
Nice people sent additional suggestions after I wrote my script.
“Thank you” for all your methods to block external requests on localhost.
Paul Thompson suggested adding WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL to config. I never used this or knew about it, but it seems perfect:
Block external URL requests by defining WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL as true and this will only allow localhost and your blog to make requests. The constant WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS will allow additional hosts to go through for requests.
Noam Eppel sent his Multi-Environment WordPress wp-config.php. His contribution:
This wp-config.php file can be used in multiple environments (local, staging, production). It works by detecting the server hostname and defining different constants depending on which hostname is used.
I do something similar with wp-load.php, but his solution does not require editing core.
Jon Brown sent a link to Rarst’s Disable plugins when doing local dev. This is a PHP class to selectively load plugins.
Konstantin Kovshenin suggested filtering pre_http_request, like Airplane Mode.
Importing a Production Database to localhost
I wrote a bash script to import a production database, and avoid the plugin update error.
import_wordpress_db_to_localhost is shown below.
My script disables plugins, sets blog to “private” and adds “LOCAL:” to a site’s name. It is easy to use this script for multiple sites.
Try: alias import_blog=' DB SQL login password'
No connection errors today, using Airplane Mode and my import script.
I also learned how to block Gravatar and external font loaders.