If Bear Grylls Was Gay

spoof of warning Have you ever wondered what Man vs.Wild would be like if Bear Grylls was gay? No? Me either.

Rich Keith, a talented comedian from Los Angeles, thought about it, and produced Man vs. Wild, West Hollywood, a hilarious spoof of Bear Grylls and Man vs. Wild. Keith mimics Bear Grylls’s speech and movements perfectly, and that is what makes this perverted parody so funny.

Rich Keith’s description:

“Survivalist Bear Grylls has gotten out of some of the toughest places in the world, but can he survive West Hollywood, aka Gay Town, and make it back east of La Cienega Blvd. to safety?”

Rich Keith has several videos on his homepage. I liked Seeing Eye to Eye, about two roommates, and orange juice.

Rich Keith performs every Saturday night in “That Other Sketch Show” at ACME Comedy Theatre, in Los Angeles. He also appears on TV, as Mitch Greenberg in Grey’s Anatomy, on ABC.