My Year of Writing and Blogging

Upside down in tree Creatively, it has been an unusual year. Less programming and blogging, more writing.


For a few months, over 90% of my visitors requested Bear Grylls : Worst Case Scenario is Coming Soon. I had no idea that the Worst Case Scenario television show would be so popular!

My article is ranked ninth on a Google search for “Bear Grylls” “Worst Case Scenario”

For over a year, the favorite had been Where Does Bear Grylls Live? If you search for “Where Does Bear Grylls Live” on Google, my article has been on top for 20 months!

Remembering Dead People

Writing relieved my sadness after my 48-year-old friend, David Nolan died. David thought he was going to pickup his daughter from school, until he had a fatal heart attack on the Subway.

I wrote not-very-cheery about my dear departed friend Ellen, but I over-edited it.

So I started reading books about writing.

Writing More and Enjoying It More

I met Stefan Andersson at Writing Practice. He was visiting Lexington from Sweden, and writing about Bertrand Russell. Stefan is a great writer in English, his second language. He must be unbelievable in Swedish!

We became friends while I created his former homepage, and enjoyed many hours together, solving English crossword puzzles. Sometimes we watched television, on one of the three channels that his ancient window antenna received. Stefan especially liked the hockey games during the Winter Olympics.

Our afternoons do not seem exciting, but in between these events, Stefan encouraged me to write. I heard “You have a great voice” many times. After many attempts, I have finally finished one story that I think is good enough to sell. Stay tuned.

Why Is This A Year?

I have only written an “end of the year” article once: Five Wishes for 2008. Three wishes came true when New York Giants miraculously won the last three games of their stupendous season. But right now, I just hope Giants do better than last year.

So no more wishes, and certainly no predictions for our illogical world.

It is a year, because yesterday was my birthday. I refuse to disclose my age because I do not want to see it. I wanted to write about making it through it another year, and I hope I can do this next year too!