My New Year Wishes : Two 2013 Wishes
My 2013 New Year Wishes. Only two wishes, to avoid disappointment
My 2013 New Year Wishes. Only two wishes, to avoid disappointment
I lost my great job as Lead Developer of a Web startup . Unemployment led to weird, but common depression. Like others, stopped changing clothing.
I stopped drinking on the same day I met Larry Steur. We walked around Lexington Kentucky for four years, until he died.
Remembering my late wife Jayne, on her birthday in 2010
Reminiscing about the tragically short life of my dear friend, David Nolan of Dave Nolan Audio, WBAI, WNYC, 92st Y, Wetlands Preserve, etc.
Join me as I share the story of how Jayne and I met and fell in love. Today, on her birthday, I remember her with love and affection.
My latest attempt to stop smoking