Where Did My Brain Go?

Robin Williams Has Left the Planet

Robin Williams committed suicide.

Mr. Williams was a gifted performer. I have not seen him perform on stage for many years, but I looked forward to seeing him on television.

I enjoyed The Birdcage, but not his serious movies. Because I wanted Robin Williams to make me laugh.

Unfortunately, Williams wanted to die. Maybe he had chest pains.

His elder brother Robert, died after heart surgery in 2007.

In 2009, Williams had respiratory problems during an 80-city city tour. He needed heart surgery a few weeks later.

His 19-year marriage ended in 2008. He described his divorce in 2010, saying:

I was shameful, did stuff that caused disgust — that’s hard to recover from

Robin Williams tried to recover in rehab last month.

Sadly, the man who made us laugh, was unable to find happiness.


How will people remember Robin Williams?

Robin Williams was talented. But he impregnated his babysitter while he was married. Is that depressing? Mr. Williams struggled with addiction and depression until he committed suicide.

People will remember Robin Williams, like John Belushi, as a brilliant yet troubled individual.

Their legacy reminds us that suicide and addiction are serious matters, not jokes.

Robin Williams was funny. He was not a role model.