Where Did My Brain Go?

Stand Up for UK Scouts

I am annoyed at an article in today's Daily Mail, UK's version of New York Post, which attempts to portray a seamier side of UK Scouting.

MAD 2009 is an annual event of UK's Essex Scouts, which was held from June 26, to June 29, at Kingston Ridge, Basildon.

Advertised events included:

Typical scouting stuff, right? The only difference, in this year's gathering was:

New for 09 – onsite bar !!

However, since everyone was over 18, it should not be a big deal, right?

Not according to Daily Mail, which used photos, published on Facebook to exaggerate the activities, and vilify the Scouts. Beer, cross-dressing and racy dating games for Scouts! What would Baden-Powell say? might sell a few newspapers for the British tabloid, but I consider it a vile aspersion on Scouting.

Big deal! They played co-ed Twister, as they emulated the 60's.

Stand Up For Scouting

Tell the Daily Mail how you feel about their ruthless reporting, with a comment. Check out the official photos to get a balanced, and completely different view of the weekend's activities.

I hope Chief Scout Bear Grylls leaves a comment too!