Quick Mail 4.0.6 Maintenance Release
Quick Mail WordPress plugin sends emails with attachments from WP Dashboard or command line with WP-CLI. Quick Mail 4.0.6 fixes two bugs.
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Quick Mail WordPress plugin sends emails with attachments from WP Dashboard or command line with WP-CLI. Quick Mail 4.0.6 fixes two bugs.
My Quick Mail WordPress plugin sends emails with attachments from WP Dashboard or command line with WP-CLI. Quick Mail 4.0.5 lets administrators block recipients.
My Quick Mail WordPress plugin is the easiest way to send email with attachment from WP Dashboard or command line with WP-CLI. Quick Mail 3.5.4 does not require WP 5. I want users who are afraid of Gutenberg to use latest version of Quick Mail.
Use my Quick Mail WordPress plugin to send email with attachments from WordPress dashboard. Reply to comments, send email to all members of site. Use Quick Mail from Web or with WP-CLI on command line. Get Quick Mail from WP or Github.
Send email from command line to all WordPress site users with Quick Mail WordPress plugin.
Quick Mail is the easiest way to send email with attachment from WordPress dashboard. Quick Mail 3.5.0 improves translations, lets administrators see WP role on user list.
Send email from WordPress or command line with Quick Mail. Quick Mail 3.4.2 improves quick-mail WP-CLI command.