John Bills Pleads Not Guilty to Redflex Bribes
John Bills pleaded not guilty to Federal bribery charges. His friend Martin O’Malley, also pleaded not guilty. O’Malley is cooperating with the investigation against Redflex.
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John Bills pleaded not guilty to Federal bribery charges. His friend Martin O’Malley, also pleaded not guilty. O’Malley is cooperating with the investigation against Redflex.
John Bills was arrested for accepting bribes, to ensure that Redflex provided red light cameras to Chicago.
Florida Senate amended SB 144 (Traffic Infraction Detectors) six times, then postponed vote.
Cocoa Beach agreed to remove red light cameras last month. City Commission meets tomorrow to discuss terminating contract with ATS to remove red light cameras before the Easter Surf Festival.
John Bills was the subject of a Federal investigation a year ago. Aaron Rosenberg has been cooperating with Fed for over two months. What happened?
St. Petersburg City Council agreed to remove red light cameras, because revenue dropped after the duration of yellow lights was extended to meet Federal standards. Tampanians need complaints from tourists to get rid of red light cameras in Tampa.
Florida Governor Scott believes that Florida is the top travel destination in the world. World Tourism Organization statistics reveal that more tourists visits France and Spain. However tourists spend the most money in the USA.