Where To Find Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls in Man vs. Wild Bear Grylls’s schedule is only slightly less secretive than Dick Cheney's. I am amazed that an intelligent fellow like Bear Grylls, who ostensibly wants to sell as many books as possible, does not release a schedule of his upcoming book signings, and interviews.

Where is Bear Grylls Now?

Probably, in Manhattan, where, as I previously mentioned, he signed books today. I am in Manhattan frequently. I I could have been there today, if I had known that Bear Grylls would only make one appearance there.

Searching for Bear Grylls

I did some research and learned that Bear Grylls is represented by (among others) The Edge Entertainment Agency. I contacted them, and received a reply from Chloe, of Cunningham Management, who said, “we only deal with his paid live events.” I found Bear Grylls on their Web site with testimonials about his speeches he has given to their clients.

What About the Book?

My next email went to Bear Grylls’s publisher, Hyperion Books. Rachel at abc.com, which must own Hyperion, replied that all of Bear Grylls’s book signings were listed on their site. When pointed out that author tours did not list Bear Grylls, she replied with the same two dates I knew about.

Incidentally, Bear Grylls is still not listed on Hyperion’s author tours page.

How To Meet Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls will be signing books next Tuesday, May 6th, at Barnes and Noble in Santa Clarita, CA (LA). Call 661–254–6604 for more information.

I will post more information here when it becomes available.


Will moody

Can I meet bear grylls


hi bear.
i heard that you’re dead but when i saw your show then i feel so proud that my superman is alive bear please take care of your health. one thing also i love your show very much. in your busy shedule when u have some time please send me some messages. bear i want to join your show to show what guts i have.