What Happened to John Bills, Aaron Rosenberg, Redflex?
John Bills was arrested for accepting bribes, to ensure that Redflex provided red light cameras to Chicago.
John Bills was arrested for accepting bribes, to ensure that Redflex provided red light cameras to Chicago.
Leave Donald Sterling alone. Stop supporting the Los Angeles Clippers.
I pass many happy Tampa bicycle riders on my bicycle routes. Anyone who wants to smile, should try riding a bicycle.
I will be at TattooFest today with United for Care volunteers. We will be educating the public about the benefits of medical marijuana, and reminding registered voters to vote Yes on Amendment 2.
Florida Senate amended SB 144 (Traffic Infraction Detectors) six times, then postponed vote.
I volunteered to help United for Care legalize medical marijuana in Florida. My first volunteer meeting is tonight.
Cocoa Beach agreed to remove red light cameras last month. City Commission meets tomorrow to discuss terminating contract with ATS to remove red light cameras before the Easter Surf Festival.