Where Did My Brain Go?

Quick Mail Improves Translations, Adds Roles

Discover the latest version of Quick Mail.

I created the Quick Mail WordPress plugin in 2014, to send emails with attachments from the WordPress dashboard.

Quick Mail 3.5.0 is the 37th update. I added features from user suggestions, and fixed bugs.

Quick Mail users can select email recipients from WordPress site users or commenters.

Have you ever wanted to answer a comment privately, and include an attachment in your reply? Do it with Quick Mail :)

Use Quick Mail with WP-CLI to send an email with an attachment from the command line.

Does email sent from your WordPress blog get marked as spam? Use Quick Mail with Mailgun, Sendgrid or SparkPost to send reliable email.

The latest version of Quick Mail adds a feature, fixes a bug, and is easier to translate.

Where’s the Message?

You may (or may not) have noticed missing error messages for invalid address, etc.

I added “dismissible notices” to Quick Mail 1.2.2. Unfortunately, dismissing a “dismissible notice” kept it hidden.

WordPress uses jQuery.remove() to hide / remove dismissible messages.

Quick Mail 3.5.0 overrides jQuery.remove() and resets opacity, so message updates are visible.

Select Recipients by WordPress Role?

A user sent:

…is there any chance of including a user group feature when selecting recipients, such that, when I select “authors”, I don’t have to find all the authors in my site manually? Such a feature would really be great.

Some Roles Are Better Than No Roles

Quick Mail 3.5.0 adds a setting for administrators to view roles on the User List.

Sending group emails to WP users by role is a great idea.

Problems are many roles, limited space. Quick Mail would need a second “To.”

There would be two “To” – or I need a better idea.

WP Tide and CodeSniffer

I forget how I discovered Tide. WordPress says:

Tide is a series of automated tests run against every plugin and theme in the directory and then displays PHP compatibility and test errors/warnings in the directory.

Alas, a search for quick-mail was scary. Six PHP files had 4245 errors, 1206 warnings.

CodeSniffer and WPCS

PHP CodeSniffer checks code against coding standards.

WordPress created WordPress Coding Standards (WPCS) rules for CodeSniffer.


I followed Subharanjan’s instructions to install CodeSniffer and WPCS on my Mac.

Two executables are installed. Verify installation with phpcs -i

The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR12, PSR2, Squiz, Zend, WordPress, WordPress-Core, WordPress-Docs, WordPress-Extra and WordPress-VIP

Easy to check a file: phpcs --standard=WordPress quick-mail.php

Fix Text Output Errors

phpcbf can fix some errors automatically. For example, formatting.

I never considered translations, when displaying messages.

Most of Quick Mail’s errors were :

All output should be run through an escaping function…

Reduced Errors

I reduced quick-mail.php errors from 3225 to 183 by reformatting code and “escaping” text output.

qm_util.php had 716 errors, 101 warnings. Renamed to class-quickmailutil.php, with one warning, two errors.

I will continue working on this, for the next update.

Quick Mail Translations

@mikeyea sent me two German translations. German can be “formal” or “informal” — depending on speaker’s preference.

I asked Polyglots for help, adding translations to this plugin.

Where Are the Translations?

Plugin translations are added from Quick Mail Translations.

Please add or update a language to let more people use Quick Mail

Thank you.

calmPress, ClassicPress, Gutenberg

The Gutenberg block editor does not affect Quick Mail.

Plugin works the same with Classic Editor plugin, or Gutenberg editor.

WordPress Forks

Quick Mail 3.5.0 requires WordPress 5.0, because I added translations to Javascript.

This update could affect calmPress and ClassicPress.

ClassicPress is based on WordPress 4.9.

Latest version of calmPress, identifies itself as WP 5.0.2. I do not know the differences.

Please add a Github issue to report problems with calmPress or ClassicPress.

Get Quick Mail 3.5.0 from WordPress or Github

Download Quick Mail 3.5.0 from the WordPress Plugin Repository. Fork Quick Mail on GitHub to add new features.

Quick Mail 3.5.0 has been tested with WordPress 5.0.2 and 5.1 nightly releases, including multisite.

Does Quick Mail Improve Your Life?

Do you like Quick Mail? Please leave a review to help others find it.

Thanks to everyone who has been translating Quick Mail. Please join the translation project so more people can use Quick Mail in their language.

My previous articles on Quick Mail contain lots of additional information.

Download Quick Mail to try it now.