Where Did My Brain Go?

What’s New in Quick Mail 4.0.1 ?

Discover the latest version of Quick Mail.

I removed Quick Mail from the WordPress plugin repository on November 12, 2019. Quick Mail 4.01 is alive and well on Github.

I created the Quick Mail WordPress plugin in 2014, to send an email with an attachment from the WordPress Dashboard. In 2017, I added a WP-CLI command, to use Quick Mail from the command line.

Quick Mail 4.01 is the 43rd release on Github.

Quick Mail 4.01 is Kinder and Gentler

I published a kinder, gentler edition of Sociopathic Surgeon recently.

I extended this philosophy to Quick Mail 4.0.1.

Use Quick Mail 4.0.1 with WP-CLI

WP-CLI describes itself as a command line interface for WordPress. In simple English, this means WP-CLI is a collection of commands that let you use WordPress functions from a Web server’s command line.

Quick Mail includes a WP-CLI command, to send an email with an attachment from the command line. After you install Quick Mail, type wp help quick-mail for more info.

The WP-CLI command is this author’s favorite feature. I use it frequently.

By default, only Administrators can use wp quick-mail to send mail. But the person using WP-CLI is already logged in to a server. Therefore, it makes sense to let them send mail as any user.

Finally, I did not make it too easy, to avoid widespread abuse.

How to use quick_mail_cli_admin_only filter

You need one line of PHP code to send email from WP-CLI as a non-admin user. Add this to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter('quick_mail_cli_admin_only', '__return_false');

That’s all! You are telling Quick Mail not to limit WP-CLI email senders to administrators.

Quick Mail Support

Please use Github issues for support.

No Github Account? No Problem!

Leave me a comment with your Quick Mail 4.0.1 question at the end of this article.

Quick Mail Support on WordPress received less than 20 questions in five years.

Get Quick Mail from Github

Download Quick Mail 4.0.1 from Github.

I tested Quick Mail 4.0.1 with WordPress 5.5.3.

Please refer to my previous articles on Quick Mail for additional information.

I hope Quick Mail improves your life and your WordPress experience.