Where Did My Brain Go?

I Have To Stop Smoking

I started smoking again.

I was starting the sequel to Sociopathic Surgeon. However, I had written less than two full pages in two hours. I knew how the book should begin. I was not sure what should happen on the second page. I considered writing another outline. After a great deal of consideration, I realized that I was stuck.

When I get stuck, I like to read a few of the previous pages. I only had one page to read, and I was not sure if I liked it.

I decided that I could write several pages, if I could smoke. I bought cigarettes. I started writing after I lit my first cigarette. I wrote a few pages. Nevertheless, I knew it was wrong.

I am still smoking.

I am almost sixty years old. I must quit. I am willing to try anything except Chantix. Thankfully, Florida wants to help me stop smoking, without Chantix.

The Last Time I Quit Smoking

I had my best experience with Nicorette Mint Lozenges. I chewed Nicorettes for three weeks, while I gained fifteen pounds from Murray Sugar Free Lemon Sandwich Cookies and ice cream.

Several people told me that I was nasty during the first month. I was cranky for three months.

Riding a bicycle was very helpful. I was encouraged to avoid cigarettes, as it became easier to ride my bicycle.

Why I Want To Stop Smoking

I live in Tampa, near the world’s longest continuous sidewalk on Bayshore Boulevard. It is delightful to ride my bicycle along the waterfront of Hillsborough Bay. I will feel better riding my bicycle there, after I stop smoking.

I am ready to stop. I stopped for three days last week. I have four cigarettes. I will try not to be nasty after I smoke them.

How To Stop Smoking in Florida

Florida is expensive. However, Florida offers its residents many free attractions, parks, beaches and services.

Tobacco Free Florida is an outstanding free service for Florida residents.

How I Am Using Tobacco Free Florida

Tobacco Free Florida can be used three ways. I am using its cell phone system. Web and personal support programs are also available.

I started the Tobacco-Free Florida program with a telephone interview. I answered several questions about my smoking history and qualified for Nicotine Replacement Therapies. I received nicotine patches and gum, yesterday.

Text Message Reminders to Stop Smoking

Tobacco Free Florida sends text message questions and reminders. Reminders include a link to a mobile Web site with tips and encouragement to stop smoking. Dealing with Strong Feelings is my favorite.

Although I started again, the messages were very helpful last week. Now they remind me not to buy cigarettes. I will start using the patches and gum tomorrow.

My late friend Larry stopped smoking when he was 45. Larry trained and ran in marathons until he was 70. I do not want to run. I want to ride my bicycle. I can ride for a few more years, if I stop smoking.

I have two cigarettes. It is time to check out my patches and gum.