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Quick Mail Adds Privacy Options for GDPR

Discover the latest version of Quick Mail.

Welcome to Quick Mail.

Quick Mail is a WordPress plugin for sending mail with attachments from the WP Dashboard or command line.

Does Quick Mail have permission to use your email address?

I hope it has your permission. Quick Mail cannot send mail without a sender, and you must be logged in to use it.

The upcoming General Data Protection Requirement or GDPR wants me to be sure.

What is the GDPR?

The upcoming General Data Protection Requirement wants to provide uniform protection to Europeans. As I understand it, Europeans must be able to control their online data collection, export it, and make it disappear.

Companies that violate the GDPR are liable for huge fines.

The GDPR FAQ has more information.

Can European Minors Install WordPress?

According to FAQ:

Parental consent will be required to process the personal data of children under the age of 16 for online services; member states may legislate for a lower age of consent but this will not be below the age of 13.

How will this affect teens and pre-teens with WordPress sites?

Will WordPress add an age requirement?

GDPR for WordPress

GDPR for WordPress is a project to add GDPR compliance to WordPress plugins. For administrators:

We are building a GDPR compliance plugin suite, to help websites accomplish the Right to Access, Right to be forgotten, and Breach Notification functionality that every WordPress site must have, no matter the combination of plugins that handle user identifiable data.

This inspired me to add Privacy options to Quick Mail.

New Privacy Options

Grant Quick Mail permission to use your email address.

Quick Mail collects two pieces of personal information. It takes your email address from WordPress or another plugin. Did WordPress have permission to collect your email address?

Starting with version 3.2.8, Quick Mail wants explicit permission to use your email address. It currently assumes permission, so users do not an error message after an install or upgrade.

Grant Quick Mail permission to save recipient addresses.

If you enter recipients manually, Quick Mail saves up to 12 addresses in your browser’s HTML storage.

You can clear addresses on the “Options” page.

Quick Mail clears its database options when it is deactivated. If you uninstalled the plugin without clearning addresses, you would have to clear the HTML storage from your Web browser’s settings.

It is not complicated, but it is someone’s personal information.

Your addresses will not be saved, unless you enable this option.

What’s Next for Quick Mail?

First, the option to use your email address will have to be “Off” for new installations.

I am working on a feature to schedule outgoing emails.

Combining the options is also on the horizon.

Get Quick Mail 3.2.8 from Github

Quick Mail 3.2.8 is a pre-release.

Download Quick Mail 3.2.8 from the GitHub release.

Quick Mail 3.2.8 was tested with WordPress 4.9 nightly releases, on standard and multisite.

I hope Quick Mail passes the GDPR test.